Contact us for more information about our services.
Horwat Construction
455 State Park Rd.
New Alexandria, PA 15670
Reasons to give us a call to quote your next job...
Confidence - When you decide to hire a contractor for your project, you want to feel it’s a decision you can stand behind with confidence, no second guessing.
Commitment - I get a lot of satisfaction from doing a job right the first time, with no call backs. I am committed to my customers, and I expect the same out of my sub-contractors.
Quality - How do you measure quality? In my case, I like customers to look at work I have already completed and talk to past customers. I also measure quality by the attitude found on a job site - the ability of people to listen, to get along, and to share solutions when faced with problems.
Honesty and Integrity - My personal, and business life are centered around honesty. Nothing else matters! I have nothing to hide, I simply want to do a good job, at a good price, for good trustworthy people.